Thursday, March 31, 2011

rainy day weekend project when i have nothing going on... tissue paper wall flowers!

that won't be til after the wedding and well into Summer. 

Time is just passing much too quickly for my liking.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thank you, Carly for my new little friends. :) They put a smile on my face and are so adorable and DELICIOUS! 
I ate the elephant first and Scottie had the tiger. 

The card that was in these little treats said that these are my new friends to talk to because I work from home. Does anyone else out there work from home? I don't love it. Moving to a new city and working from home might be the worst! You feel so disconnected, you're alone all day and you just don't get to talk to anyone besides people on the phone that you deal with for your job. I'm getting more and more used to it, however. There are SOME benefits such as you don't have to get dressed for work. 
You can wake up at 8:59 and be working at 9:00am.
I'm just a social bee and love being around people so its certainly been an adjustment. I find myself walking outside and saying "hi" to everyone in an excited voice like a psycho since I'm having some face to face interaction. 
Yes, I know I'm weird.

Its FRIDAY! I'm heading south tonight and am excited to see friends and family! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's snowing here. Isn't it spring? 

This weather is so crazy!

I'm heading home (to Virginia) on Friday for my bridal shower on Saturday afternoon. I am REALLY excited! Its a tea party theme and I want to find the PERFECT dress. I wanted a Carrie Bradshaw'esque dress but that is proving to be a little difficult.  I will find something perfect and share with yall next week. As of now though, aren't the invitations my sister sent out the cutest? She did such a good job. 

The night that I get in from taking the train down from Philly to DC I am heading to TWO shows and couldn't be more excited. Seeing the Cults at the Rock and Roll Hotel and then heading to Black Cat to see Joy Formidable which should be SWEET! I'm actually really excited for these shows. Ive been pretty bored with music as of late as nothing has peaked my interest. These two bands are actually pretty awesome and I'm looking forward to seeing them live!

Another great band that I'm currently listening to is GroupLove. Check em out.

Well there you go with your Thursday music wrap up.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So this past weekend Scottie and I ventured out on a very sunny Saturday to the Magic Gardens in Center City in Philly. We had walked by it before but haven't explored it yet, so Saturday was the DAY! You can read more in depth about the artist here. But, basically he's a master a mosaics and awesomeness. 
(such a good Carrie description, huh?) 

Here are some photos: 

This one wasn't in the Magic Garden... it was written on the wall at Penns Landing and I thought it was hilarious. Nothing like a random polling between which is better.

This week has been lots of gym trips and praying that we don't get too much snow this week! SPRING! Im WARNING YOU! SHOW UP!

Friday, March 18, 2011


All sales today go towards help for Japan!
Open Letter To Philadelphia, 

Why is there trash everywhere? You have beautiful landscapes and amazing buildings and architecture so why litter it so badly with enormous amounts of trash on every corner? I live in Northern Liberties and there aren't even trash cans outside. I realize there are budget issues and things such as that, but I would think that city beautification would be important and not to mention healthier. I see people throw large amounts of trash outside their car window. I see people just put trash outside on the corner and its stays there for weeks. 


Frankly, its disgusting. I just moved here and am just shocked about how normal this is for you. Trash just blowing in the wind may have been "beautiful" for that kid on American Beauty but not so much when its blowing in your face daily. 

Love, Me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More excited about MM though. Its the only time I'll really get into basketball. 

I hope my bracket beats yours, KIRBS!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 28: I'm thankful for travel sites and travel books because I look at them constantly. The world is amazing and I want to see more.

Day 29: I'm thankful for grandfathers because they are amazing and I hate how they are getting old. This is me with my bestie, Paps. He was a minor league pitcher, a TV repairman, one hell of a bowler and will still tease me til I want to slap him. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011




Can't wait to show yall photos. But I can't just yet. Scottie reads this. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

I have serious spring fever. 

I do nothing but think about jean shorts and over sized shirts. So, I put together this little reminder for you to get excited too. Please hurry, spring. Make an appearance in Philadelphia soon.

Catch Up With Thankfuls - AGAIN

Day 21 - I'm thankful for the sun when he decides to grace us with its presence here in Philly. Its still so cold.

Day 22 - I'm thankful for my health this year so far. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Feeling good is a gift.

Day 23 - I'm thankful that Scott enjoys driving because I do not and I suck at it.

Day 24 - I'm thankful for my girlfriends. I don't have many, but the ones I have are cherished more than they know.

Day 25 - I'm thankful for my guy friends. Although they are slightly stupid and complete morons at times I love them and send them positives vibes often.

Day 26 - I'm thankful for my almost hubby to be. He really is the greatest even if he spends an entire day trying to scare the bejeezus out of me by hiding in the apartment. I WILL get you back.

Day 27 - I'm thankful for the little flower buds I saw in a planter this weekend. SPRING! I SEE YOU!
This weekend we ate.

Friday -  Dimitri's on 944 N 2nd St and fell in love. Cute little Italian bistro, BYOB, and GREAT food. We ordered the house salad (huge with big slices of veggies), tomato mozzarella (so fresh), he ordered the grilled scallops (8 perfectly made) and I had the talapia (unreal). When you can bring your own bottle of wine, dinners out are so affordable! We ended up dropping $50 on a dinner clearly worth way more than that. 

Saturday Lunch - Pink Dolphin Sandwiches. Boars Head Deli Meats are the BEST! (unforch, I found out that I still cannot eat deli meats. It was good while it lasted though!)

Saturday NIGHT - BEERS at a new bar called Gunners Run. I had a Kensington after Scott ordered me an IPA. I really do NOT like IPA's!  

Sunday - PIZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The best place we found here in our little hood is Trios that is pretty much attached to our building. So good. 

Today we will work out until I am sore again. We've been really good with going to the gym and Scott is an awesome trainer. He puts me through a ringer! I have to look good in my wedding dress, dammit!

Happy Monday! I know most people hate the "spring forward" but when you work from home you dont really notice. hehe!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm giving up sodies for lent.

I'm not catholic.

We'll see how I do.

so, this is pretty cool... I was invited to show my photography at the show in LA in April. Still deciding if I'm going to do it. I get so nervous with this type of stuff.

I can't believe we are approaching the second weekend of March... this is crazy! Scottie and I have so much going on and our wedding is approaching VERY quickly! It seems crazy that we've been engaged now for a year and a half. Im not sure how these brides put together a wedding so quickly! Too much to do!

My sister is throwing me a super girlie bridal shower in Virginia at the end of the month. Its a tea party theme and I cannot wait. I love getting girlie and wearing a dress and drinking tea with my family and friends. It seems completely opposite of what I would like if you actually knew me, but I think that's also exactly why I enjoy it so much. I need to find the perfect tea party dress!

Happy Hump Day!

Monday, March 7, 2011

I am sick of the cold! 

Can it be spring yet? PLEASE?! 

This weekend we didn't do much but as always, had a good time. 

Look at this burger Scott ordered at Liberties up 2nd Street! ITS MASSIVE! It was called the Phat Burger and it looked amazing! 

 Sunday I woke up at 7am and made Scott go to breakfast with me at 8am and when we came back home I fell back to sleep. HAHA! I guess I really wanted BREAKY! We went to the gym that afternoon then watched the war documentary Restrepo. Its extremely intense as its an inside look at the war in Afghanistan. I have the up most respect and love for our soldiers. I have many buddies who joined the armed forces after high school and have fought in the war. Anyone who says that our soldiers are kids who can't get into college (I only heard this nonsense when I moved out of the Northern VA area and was always so deeply offended by it) should really watch something like this... these kids are unbelievable with what they go through. Bless! As you can tell, this documentary really moved me. 

Now it's Monday and I have THREE Thankfuls

Day 18: I'm thankful for our nations soldiers as they are incredible. 

Day 19: Im thankful that I survived Friday's bought with taking a zinc pill after my infusions. I will NEVER do that again. Pretty much poisoned myself. 

Day 20: I'm thankful for these tiny little buds I see on the tree outside. that HAS to mean Spring is around the corner right?!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Day 15: I'm thankful that my bridesmaids decided to finally get the 2nd dress we had to order for the wedding. They missed the deadline for the cheaper one. HAHAHAHA! I should have gone bridezilla on their a$$es. Instead I just laughed.

Day 16: I'm thankful for post it notes because I use them for everything.

Day 17: I'm thankful for art and music because I love how both of them make me feel.

Happy Friday, WORLD!

Hand in Marriage

Scott sent me an article today about boyfriends still asking their girlfriends father's for their hand in marriage. It was mainly about if people still did it or if it was too old fashioned. I for one am extremely happy that Scott asked my father. We were all in Anna Maria Island in Florida for New Years. Me, my sister and Scott were at a bar down the street just hanging out and talking about life and what we wanted to do.  I went to the bathroom and I guess Scott told my sister his intentions and that he was going to ask my father the next day for his blessing. Knowing my sister she probably cried and got emotional and now that I think back, when I came back from from the bathroom she was staring at me smiling like a psycho woman. 

When we got home my sister being her usual VERY excitable self ran into my parents place (we were staying somewhere else) and broke the news.  She couldn't contain herself she says. Scott had no idea. The next morning Jill told Scott that she told my Father to which Scott now admits that it was much easier to approach him about the topic. I took a walk with my mom, Scott spoke to my father. My father was beaming and I still had no clue. 

New Years Eve I was engaged. My mother, father and sister present and it was the greatest feeling I will never forget. 

I definitely think that men should ask their father-in-laws for their blessing. Its for the father to see that their daughters are marrying a man and for them to have a little one on one with their future son-in-law. 

Here is the article if you want a short read, click.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Charlie Sheen is a terrible person... but, he is hilarious. 

and the "goddesses" ... 

not attractive. 

Oh Charlie, you are psychotic and I am watching along with the rest of the world.

I think he has surpassed the "Britney Crazy"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm thankful that the train to DC from Philly is only 2 hours. I left at 6:55am this morning and am working from my mom's home by 9:00am. So nice. :) 

It's infusion day! 

My brother calls me a vampire.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 11: I'm thankful Tom came to visit us in Philly and we had the opportunity to walk around the city and take awesome photos!

Day 12: I'm thankful for my washing machine in my home. It does a lot of work.

Day 13: I'm thankful for my awesome sister for doing so much for my upcoming wedding! She is amazing.

Day 14: I'm thankful for the guy working on some house across the street from me because he is swearing like crazy and it makes my day a little more interesting.

Its Tuesday! I don't know why that's exciting to me, but it is. Scottie just came home to eat lunch with me and now I'm happy I guess. :) Even though he left giving me a chore of walking to get his dry cleaning.