Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Went to go see the band Phoenix last night at my least favorite venue ever, BUT the band was awesome live and made me forget for a few that I really dislike the DAR. Phoenix, a band from Paris has been around for a long time (1995 to be exact) but only recently broke into the radio scene and festival season and this was my FIRST TIME SEEING THEM!!!! I was pleasently surprised and the hype is all true behind these guys. They are talented, fun to watch and have a lot of energy on stage complete with a creepy guitarist who strangely looks into the crowd with his bottom lip protruding like a basset hound. THANK YOU TODD FOR THE FRONT ROW TICKETS!

then the band yelled, "everyone come on up to the stage!"
sooooo... they did.

as we were walking home we decided to take a pic by Obama's house... awwwwwww...

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