Thursday, August 12, 2010


I have booked the ever amazing Justine Ungaro as my wedding photographer. I am SO excited! Justine and I went to high school together and we even lived in LA at the same time but never got around to meeting up. She's a phenomenal photographer, see her stuff here... click.
I cannot WAIT for her to do our wedding, been grinning ear to ear since its been finalized. YEY!

this is just funny... back in the early 2000's my sister and I started a website called it was a site that focused on quotes that men would say when they were fired up. The definition we made up for MANDRAMA was,  "A sensational dramatic remark with exaggerated emotion that reveals the anxiety of the speaker." Why am I telling you this? Because Justine actually shot our promo pictures since radio shows were doing segments on it and us and magazines were curious. We eventually got bored of the site even though it was pretty popular (we had about 1500 hits a day), so marvin sister to get bored quickly, ha! Anyways, here are the shots Justine captured of us back then. So funny!

how ridiculous is that? However, the shoot was fun!


Kere said...

those are going to be phenomenal!

Care said...

EEEEEK! I'm SO excited, Kere! Im sending out my "save the dates" soon... you're getting one sista!

Schonacher said...

I'm going to be busy that weekend.