Friday, March 4, 2011

Hand in Marriage

Scott sent me an article today about boyfriends still asking their girlfriends father's for their hand in marriage. It was mainly about if people still did it or if it was too old fashioned. I for one am extremely happy that Scott asked my father. We were all in Anna Maria Island in Florida for New Years. Me, my sister and Scott were at a bar down the street just hanging out and talking about life and what we wanted to do.  I went to the bathroom and I guess Scott told my sister his intentions and that he was going to ask my father the next day for his blessing. Knowing my sister she probably cried and got emotional and now that I think back, when I came back from from the bathroom she was staring at me smiling like a psycho woman. 

When we got home my sister being her usual VERY excitable self ran into my parents place (we were staying somewhere else) and broke the news.  She couldn't contain herself she says. Scott had no idea. The next morning Jill told Scott that she told my Father to which Scott now admits that it was much easier to approach him about the topic. I took a walk with my mom, Scott spoke to my father. My father was beaming and I still had no clue. 

New Years Eve I was engaged. My mother, father and sister present and it was the greatest feeling I will never forget. 

I definitely think that men should ask their father-in-laws for their blessing. Its for the father to see that their daughters are marrying a man and for them to have a little one on one with their future son-in-law. 

Here is the article if you want a short read, click.


Mamma said...

we will never forget the phone call Carrie just a short while after that! What a night:)

Care said...

so cute. :)