Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday Jumble on Friday

oh Jack White - you are awesome

mummie's in a blanket

realllllllllly like the placement of this tattoo

wow, brings back memories! pens just didn't do it as well!

leggings shouldn't be ANY other color than black

ive actually said this and it was awesome
It's Friday! 
Its pouring here. 
The Philadelphia Festival we were supposed to attend this weekend was moved to a college gymnasium and I'm mad. 
But, I just bought a ticket to Chicago with Hubz for November and now I'm EXCITED!


Missy said...

We need to meet up for dinner then! What are your dates??

Anonymous said...

I want to eat a mummy in a blanket. Next tailgate for sure.

Care said...

Hey Missy! Nov 13-19th!

A - I will make these for my tailgate too