Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday Jumble!

So here are my favorite things today...

Supposedly this was taken in Philly... I gotta find this. Who doesn't love Tom Hanks?
I was so goooood at folding notes. Keeping them out of teachers hands and getting in trouble? Not so good.

wish i had this in photography class with my FILM camera. Can you imagine? ;)

I can't help it, french bulldogs are my weakness. Just look at that guy... I would name him Gus, and then SQUEEZE him.

pretty good. I'm going to tell my sister to do this now that I'm hitched.
LOVE! Would get stolen in .00008 seconds in my neighborhood though.

I will make my kid wear this every Saturday during football season. GO COCKS!


leslie said...

What are you listening to now? You should have music thursdays! I need some suggestions.

Anne Marie said...

This photo cheat sheet is so awesome! And, I really want to squeeze that French bulldog too!!!