A1 Air Squats 50 reps
no break
A2 Alternating Lunges 25 reps each side
no break
A3 Frog Jumps 15 reps
3 MIN REST then repeat for 4 rounds
B1 Push-ups 15 reps
no break
B2 Sit-ups 15 reps
no break
B3 Burpees 30 reps example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Dq_NCzj8M
FOR TIME, how many rounds can you do in 5 min???
That's all for today............Keep it Tight
burpees and frog jumps! I hope our downstairs neighbor is home! I will do this starting at 10:30 and post my embarrassing time. ooooooooo, just lay on the ground after one round and go to pilates mat class.
Tom, shut the door to your office and do this.
Burpees are a lot harder than you would think.
I thought a burpee was something you did after downing a 6-pack
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