Monday, May 20, 2013


I hope everyone had a great weekend! Even though the skies were wet and misty for most of the weekend, we did our best to make the most out of it. We went into the city, stumbled upon a dance parade, ate lunch, drank some mimosa's and bloody mary's and then relaxed back at home and stayed dry with Macky Dog.

My parents were in town during the week for a conference. Its always nice to have mama and papa Marv in the city, if only for a couple of days.

We had to check out Orly Genger's art installation in Madison Square Park on Saturday. Its 1.4 million feet of painted, knotted and layered rope that would cover the city of Manhattan 20x over if stretched out.

Isn't that so pretty?

Stumbled upon a dance parade near Union Square.


If you go to the downtown NR train subway station there are these beautiful mosaic hats on the wall, so naturally, we had to do a photos shoot.

Yes, he really did shave those chops in again. And yes, I do love olives from a Bloody Mary... however, that Mary wasn't so great. 

1 comment:

Mamma said...

OMG...Scott...who are you?????