Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Tunes

Happy Valentines Day!
OK, now that we got that salutation out of the way, lets really celebrate what today is...

I picked out a good jam for you to listen to... HAERTS. Kinda goes with the V-day theme. Kinda. Maybe. Deal with it.

All The Days

So, we have about 12 inches of snow down here, which is super unheard of in the south. Its pretty much equivalent to 18feet in the northern states only because we have no infrastructure for this kind of snow... at. all. A plow, what's that?

Its been fun though. We met alllllll our neighbors, which was wonderful. Seems like we lucked out in that department.

People may have been so nice also because we currently have not heat or hot water. Let me tell you have fun THAT is. Oh well, we'll have it back on by Monday and maybe get a hotel on Saturday to shower. :)

So, here's to an awesome weekend of watching HOUSE OF CARDS while wrapped up in at least 3 comforters.


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