Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Hair - He Cared

I was bored one afternoon and that is always a recipe for disaster when is open on my browser. In one of my many webs of searching for random things to entertain me, I came across Jessica Simpson's clip on bangs.  INSTANT "ADD TO CART" for my little shopping self.

When I got them in the mail I was so excited to show my husband. He always changes up his look with either shaving weird facial hair or shaving his entire head, but, me... nothing crazier than chopping a few inches off here and there. In high school though -- sheesh, I did everything under the sun I could get my hands on. I was a big fan of manic panic and stupid hair cuts. Back to present life, so, I put them on and came out of the bathroom with a grand yell of  "TA DAHHHHHHH!!!!" He just looked at me and said nothing. I quickly said, "they're fake!" because I thought he was going to get upset. He sighed a very audible sigh of relief and then said, "don't EVER cut bangs". So, my surprise failed miserably but, they are still fun for me and I like putting them on and pretending I'm Brigitte Bardo or a 10 year old being stupid.


Mamma said...

I love your bangs Carrie! Don't give it up.

Natalie said...

Oh, I like it! Fun!