Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weekend WrapUp

I loved this weekend! We had my brother's family down and we did North Carolina right -- in my opinion at least. We did the Dixie Classic and saw some ridiculousness in regards to sideshows, tractor races, tigers, pigs and rifle shooting. It was a good bucket list cross off in regards to that one. Not sure I'd go again. :)

We then headed to a corn field maze that was 3.3 miles of corn stalks! I loved it and we had a blast trying to get through it. I think it took us about 45 minutes!!

I love having family visit.

Scottie is a little mad I snapped the pic of him getting funnel cake for little Nico.

We broke the gumball head mural in Winston!

The Maize Maze. Yes, I really am that pale AND I may have made a massive mistake in dying my hair what I thought was "medium blonde" which came out to reddish brown. HATE IT!

Kirberican Gothic.

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