Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's snowing here. Isn't it spring? 

This weather is so crazy!

I'm heading home (to Virginia) on Friday for my bridal shower on Saturday afternoon. I am REALLY excited! Its a tea party theme and I want to find the PERFECT dress. I wanted a Carrie Bradshaw'esque dress but that is proving to be a little difficult.  I will find something perfect and share with yall next week. As of now though, aren't the invitations my sister sent out the cutest? She did such a good job. 

The night that I get in from taking the train down from Philly to DC I am heading to TWO shows and couldn't be more excited. Seeing the Cults at the Rock and Roll Hotel and then heading to Black Cat to see Joy Formidable which should be SWEET! I'm actually really excited for these shows. Ive been pretty bored with music as of late as nothing has peaked my interest. These two bands are actually pretty awesome and I'm looking forward to seeing them live!

Another great band that I'm currently listening to is GroupLove. Check em out.

Well there you go with your Thursday music wrap up.

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