Thursday, February 25, 2010


...warning,  a little history lesson. 

the last place i visited when i left DC was the Lincoln Memorial so it was inspiring for Mr. Lincoln to be our first tourist visit with me being back. I love his memorial. it's impressive, beautiful and full of history. One of the most famous speeches in American History was delivered on these steps... 
"I have a dream" ring a little bell? 
Lincoln was our 16th President and definitely MY favorite. He successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. He was impressive in his life and he is impressive memorialized. 
Carly, when you visit, you WILL be coming here. It's a DC MUST on the Carrie tour. 
below is the National Monument and Reflecting Pool. This is where Forest ran across the water yelling "JENN-AY" in the movie, Forest Gump. It was awesome being here today when barely anyone was around. We just popped in the car, drove 4 miles and BAM! we were there!

Vietnam Memorial 
if you see me on the road, look out, I'm not a good driver! 


Kere said...

these pics are yet again, amazing! i love the 1st and 3rd

Schonacher said...

I desecrated the floor of the Lincoln Memorial by laying down right in front of Lincoln.

Mamma said...

Great pics Carrie. Hey Scott, do you remember being there when you were around 4 1/2? You were there 3 times in your young life. Never, ever get tired of seeing anything in Washington, especially the Lincoln Memorial!

Looks cold out there.....enjoying the low 70 temp this week. Sorry to rub it in:)

Care said...

AHHHHHH! 70 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its freezing here and that's not an exaggeration... pool time soon? Scott says he doesn't remember. he was probably too busy thinking about homeruns. :)

Schonacher... we need another DC in an hour. i have a friend coming into town and we are doing the "tour" with her. we do the video RIGHT this time. :)

Schonacher said...

Whenever. Bingo.

the aussie said...

yesssssssss "THE TOUR" idea what it is, but IM EXCITED!!